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Overview of the plans

An overview of how the plan screen works in Farm Focus

Updated over 8 months ago

The Plan screen allows you to create, revise and organise your financial plans in one place.

This screen has two areas:

  1. Timeline:
    This area is where you will manage all financial plans for your farm business.  There are three types of plans available each year, Working, Baseline and Draft.

  2. Archive:
    If you don’t want to delete certain Draft plans, i.e. you may want to use one down the track, you can archive them instead.

Working Plan

This is the plan you’ll revise and re-forecast throughout the year, as actual and planned transactions combine to become a living plan.  

There is one Working Plan for each financial year and it is automatically created for you as each financial year begins.  All you have to do is put in planned transactions.

Want to know more?  Click here to read more about the Working plan.

Working Plan options

In the plan screen, hover your mouse over the Working plan. Click the 3 vertical dots that appear. 

  • Set read-only Baseline
    Creates a read-only copy of the Working plan for you to refer back to. This will sit in the  Baselines area of the Plan screen. 

  • Duplicate as Draft
    Creates a copy of your Working plan. This will sit in the Drafts area of your Plan screen.

Baseline Plan

Your Baseline is a locked copy of your Working plan. You may want to save a Baseline when you send a copy to your bank manager, or before updating your Working plan. 

Once you have moved a plan into Baseline it becomes read-only and the planned transactions within it can’t be modified.

Baseline plan options

In the plan screen hover your mouse over the Baseline Plan. Click the 3 vertical dots that appear. 

  • Delete plan
    NOTE: If you have multiple baseline plans, your option will be Manage Baselines, you can then choose which baseline you would like to delete. 

Draft Plans

You can create as many scenarios as you like for each financial year.  You can also promote a Draft Plan up to a Working Plan.

Draft Plan options

In the plan screen hover over a Draft plan. Click the 3 vertical dots that appear. 

  • Duplicate as Draft
    Creates a duplicate copy. Great when you want to push the same plan into a new year.

  • Change Plan Year
    Move the plan into the following years. You can then set the plan as your working plan.

  • Set as a Working Plan
     Sets the plan to sit within your Working Plan for revision. NOTE: The plan that is within your working plan will then become a draft.

  • Archive Plan
    Sends the plan to Archives. Hidden but not deleted.

  • Delete Plan
    Completely delete the plan from your farm business.

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