How to move a draft plan
Go to the Plan landing page.
Click on the three vertical dots, and select Set as Working Plan.
Select which financial year you would like this become the Working Plan for.
What happens to the existing working plan?
You can only have one working plan at one time.
The plan that was the working plan moves down to the Drafts section and becomes a draft plan.
How can you tell what plan was used to create the working plan?
At any time, you can see which draft, if any, made up the planned transactions in the working plan.
For example, the 2022/23 working plan (below) now includes planned transactions from the draft plan 'Working plan November 22'.ย
TIP: We recommend you include a description of your plan. This helps to differentiate one plan from another plan. A description can be added by clicking the Cog icon (Settings) - see below