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Tools and features for entering information into a plan or budget
Tools and features for entering information into a plan or budget

There are several time saving tools to make creating and editing plans quick and easy.

Updated over 9 months ago

Compare data

When creating a new plan you can use the Compare data icon (or button) to put relevant data in line 2 of the plan. This is handy when building your plan or budget; as you can select a prior year's actuals or a plan or quantities and then use that as a guide to building your new plan.

  1. Click the Compare data icon to show a comparison on line 2 in your new plan.

  2. You can choose what data you would like to use as the comparison when building your plan

    • The Actuals option will allow you to select the Actuals from a previous financial year to populate line 2.

    • The Plan option allows you to select any plan to populate line 2. This could be a baseline plan or a draft plan.

    • The Actuals + Plan option allows you to select Actuals to date from the current year plus any future planned items.

    • The Quantities option will populate quantities on line 2. This includes things like stock numbers, milk solid kgs, litres of drench or hectares cultivated etc. Any quantity information included in your actuals or plan will be shown in line 2.

  3. Select the year you want to use for your comparison.

Copy line 2

You can choose to copy the information from line 2 into your plan. This allows you to quickly build your plan.

As long as you have the Compare data option active, then Copy Line 2 will be available to select. You can choose to copy an entire category or at the extended code level, and also choose to copy livestock events. The Copy Line 2 option works in both Cash and Accrual View.

Click into the grid. You will now get an option to View / Add / %Adj / Copy Line 2.

If you select Copy line 2, the following modal will appear:

Consolidate items - if you opt to consolidate items it means if you had 10 Animal health drench-coded lines in one month it would consolidate these into one planned event. This will keep your plan tidy but some people like to retain all the detailed information.

Adjust by a percent increase or decrease

You can add a percentage increase or decrease to items in your plan while using the Copy Line 2 option. This is handy as it allows you to adjust your plan for market or inflationary changes. The increase or decrease can be applied to price or quantity. There is no limit on the percent increase but the percent decrease is limited to 99.9%.

Copy line 2 and Livestock

If you use the Copy line 2 for Livestock events you get the following modal:

You get the option to copy Livestock purchases or sales only and or Non-Financial Livestock events. With Livestock events, the increase or decrease can be applied to price, quantity or weight.


If you enter a number into the grid, you get an option to View / Add / Copy / Spread / Clear / % Adj / Copy line 2.

If you select Copy, the following modal will appear.

You get the option to:

  1. Copy the planned item every month or up to 6 monthly.

    TIP: 3 months means the item will be copied every third month (ie every quarter).

  2. Set when the Copy feature stops. This can be between 1 and 11 months for the current plan. You can set this so an income or cost occurs over a limited period (eg in Spring set casual wages for July-Sept)

  3. You get the option to override any existing planned items in the specific line or add to the existing items.

NOTE: The Copy item will not be available if there is more than one planned item within the cell.

TIP: When you click into the grid, you get the options of View / Add / % Adj / Copy Line 2. When you enter a number into the grid, the options increase to View / Add / Copy / Spread / Clear / % Adj / Copy Line 2.


Click spread to split the amount and divide it across your plan. For example, you anticipate General Wages to cost $54,000 across the financial year. Enter $54,000 in the first month of the financial year and then split this amount evenly across the 12 months.

If you enter a number into the grid, you get an option to View / Add / Copy / Spread / Clear / % Adj / Copy line 2.

If you select Spread, the following modal will appear.

You get the option to:

  1. Choose how many months you want to spread the amount over. For example, you may wish to employ a casual staff member over calving and split this across 3 months from July to August.

  2. Add to, or override existing planned items.

NOTE: The Spread item will not be available if there is more than one planned item within this cell.

Percentage adjustment

Add a percentage increase or decrease adjustment to a plan. For example, there has been a marked increase in your electricity costs since developing your plan.

If you select % Adj, the following modal will appear:

  1. Choose how you want to apply the percentage change in the Cashflow grid:

    1. for the entire year (entire row) or

    2. after a certain point in time (from the selected cell to the right) or

    3. for the rest of the year (from the revision line).

  2. Choose to apply the percentage change to a price or quantity (or weight for livestock).

  3. Choose whether you want to increase or decrease the percentage and by how much.

NOTE: For milk production, you can only adjust for quantity and not price.


Use the Add function to open a worksheet to record more details (ie your assumptions) for the planned item. It is recommended you use this function for big-ticket items or when you need to capture additional information around quantity and unit price (eg fertiliser).

If there is more than one item recorded in the same month for the same code, you will need to select +Add to add more planned items.

If you select Add, the following modal will appear:

Enter the information as required, and add any assumptions in the note field. You also get the option to add deferred payment terms (Payment terms).


View the details of planned items entered against the selected code.

If you select View, the following modal will appear:

You can edit the planned item or add more information by clicking on the three vertical dots on the right-hand side and selecting Edit planned item.

The P on the left-hand side refers to a planned item. An A is an Actual item and an I is an Invoiced item that is not paid.


If you make an error, you can clear (delete) the information in the selected cell and the remaining cells to the right. You can clear it at either the extended code or category level. To clear an entire row, click on the 1st month of the year.

The Clear function works in the Livestock grid and the Cashflow.

If you select Clear, the following modal will appear:

If you want to clear only one cell in the grid, click on that grid and select Delete.

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