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Accountants Annual report

The Accountants Annual report produces a summary of financial activity in a Farm Focus farm business

Updated over 5 months ago

The information within the Accountants Report can help to generate your client's accounts and can be viewed by either Accrual View (invoice or event date) or Payment Date (Cash payment date).

It will generate information for a standard 12-month financial year or for a custom date range, including timeframes that cross financial years, where the length of your client's financial year has been shortened or lengthened to suit a new balance date.

To view the Accountants report:

  1. Click on Reports.

  2. Select Accountants Annual.

The report is made up of seven sections. 

  1. Balancing
    Summarises opening and closing bank balances and whether the report is balanced. If the customer has not received a bank balance then the list will show as "Not Received" to alert the user to input their correct balances.

    Inactive bank accounts will not be shown.

  2. Summary
    Totals each category and extended code for the year.

  3. Bank statement summary
    Displays opening and closing bank balances for each month of the financial year and highlights any discrepancies.

  4. Analysis by code
    Details each bank transaction for the financial year by category and extended code.  It also highlights any un-coded bank transactions that need attention and will include any Journal entries.

  5. Workpapers for balance sheet
    This section is split into three areas:

    5. a. Opening Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable

    5. b. Closing Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable

    5. c. Journal Entries
    This section is only available in the Financial (accrual) View.

    Accountants can identify all unpaid invoices in the Coding AR/AP.

  6. Livestock reconciliation
    Displays an annual view of livestock movement for each financial year and is based on stock owned.

  7. Notes
    Explains how the report displays information based on selected report parameters

Printing or downloading the report

You have the option to Print or Download a PDF copy of the report. Select the Print icon and select either Print or Download PDF.

If you wish to print the entire report, select to Display All Sections at the top of the dropdown menu. Select the printing icon and choose the Print option. This will allow the report to print with page numbers, and will also be dated to show when the report was created.

Accountants codes

The Accountant Codes can be mapped in the Settings section of Farm Focus. Farm codes are mapped against each extended code, and the General Ledger export codes are mapped in their section of General Ledger Account Codes.

These codes will show throughout the Accountants Annual report. They will show in green where they are mapped, and they will be highlighted in red where no codes have been mapped to allow for easier tracking.

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