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Analysis by Code (ABC) report

View actual transaction details, grouped by Category and Extended code

Updated over 8 months ago

The Analysis by Code report is a handy report to view certain sections of your actual information. You can choose Payment Date or Accrual View and a custom date range to refine your data. Payment date will show all of your actual transactions which have been paid, your Accrual view will show any coded but unpaid invoices and any invoices that are included in the date range selected.

NOTE: This date range can include timeframes that span across financial years.

There are many options to customise your view. Select the icons at the top right-hand corner of the screen to see what options are available.

The Filter icon will give you the option to select certain code categories or extended codes, Bank accounts or Tags to refine your report. Use the chevrons to drop down your code list.

Click on the View icon to select from the list of columns to customise your view in this report. You can see all the details including Additional Notes if needed, and also select to view the numbers rounded to the nearest dollar, or check the Cents box to view to 2 decimal places. You also choose to display decimal places for quantities. This helps record quantities against items like fertiliser.

For Accountants:

Click the Accountant option in the View to see all the codes with numeric accountants codes. These will either be green or red, the red ones signifying that the code has not yet been mapped in the Settings.

Download a CSV copy of the report so that you can further refine the data you want to select for this report. Click on the print icon and choose Export to CSV. In the Financial view, you will see any invoices that are paid, unpaid or partially paid. In the Payments view you will only see paid invoices.

How to edit directly from the coded line

You can navigate directly to an invoice or transaction from a coding line. The coding line can be edited and saved, and you will be returned to the report.

If anything needs to be corrected, click on the view icon next to the associated coded line.

​This will take you to the associated invoice or transaction. Click on the +Edit function and then make the appropriate changes within the invoice or transaction.

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