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Learn the various ways you can match invoices to transactions (or vice versa) in Farm Focus

Updated over a month ago

Matching in Farm Focus is a feature that will streamline your office process and make matching invoices and bank transactions (or vice versa) more efficient. The Matching tab allows you to select from both the invoice and transaction sides of the screen to directly match each item, rather than clicking into the details of each invoice or bank transaction.

Access the Matching screen

You can access the Matching screen from the Dashboard and your Needs Action screen.

The Matching tab is found on both the navigation bar and has a tab on the Needs Action banner.

The Matching screen

Invoices sit on the left-hand side and Bank Transactions are on the right-hand side. Invoices that are not fully coded will be visible, and identifiable by a blue uncoded token, but they cannot be selected. They need to be fully coded before they can be matched.

This screen mimics the Needs Action screen with default date sorting and the same icons for attached invoices. You can change the sorting by using the dropdown arrows located next to each of the heading categories.

There are several options for matching.

Direct Matching process:

Invoices and bank transactions that are direct matches will be presented for you to accept or decline.

Only five potential matches will be shown at a time. Once you accept or decline a match, any remaining direct matches will appear.

If you prefer not to continue, you can exit at any time.

Matching process:

General Matching can happen from either side. If you select an Invoice first, then the Bank Transactions will automatically sort for the most applicable match. If you select a Bank Transaction first, then the invoices will be sorted in order of most relevant match.

Unselecting the first item will unselect ALL items.

Multiple transactions can be matched to one invoice, or multiple invoices to one transaction, but not multiple to multiple.

  1. The first item selected becomes the main item you are matching. It will be highlighted in blue.

  2. After you have selected your first item, the opposite side will change out and show the suggested matches first. Then the rest of the available matches will be sorted in order of relevance.

  3. The Match button will highlight when the selected items are ready to match. Clicking on Match moves the selected items to the Completed screen. The screen will display the default date sorting view.

Navigate the Matching screen:

  1. Shows the number of bank transactions (or invoices) selected.

  2. Shows the dollar amount of transactions/invoices selected.

  3. The search button allows you to search for specific bank transactions or invoices. The search function in bank transactions and invoices are independent of each other and are not activated until you press enter.

  4. Allows you to select all transactions. This is useful if you have used the batch payments function and there is only one bank transaction with multiple associated invoices. In this case, search using the batch number.

  5. This is the matching assist button. It will highlight if there is an error and provides hints as to why you may not be able to match invoices to transactions or transactions to invoices eg. the invoice date is after the payment date.

  6. Clicking on the three dots allows you the option to:

    1. 'View details' - this shows the details of the invoice/transaction or

    2. 'Go to Invoice' / 'Go to Transaction' - this allows you to view the original invoice/transaction.

    3. 'View Invoice' - this shows a read-only view of the invoice.

  7. Shows uncoded invoices. These invoices can be viewed but because the invoice is not fully coded they can not be selected. Once fully coded they can be selected. You can code the invoice directly from this matching screen.

Other functions:

  1. Partially paid - If you have partially paid an invoice you can still use the matching function. Your bank transaction will move to the completed screen but the invoice will remain in the Needs Action screen until it has been completely paid and matched. Find out more.

  2. Did you make a mistake? - you can unmatch. There are several options available:

    1. Go to the Completed screen and unmatch the transaction or

    2. If an invoice is partially paid - go to three dots - 'View invoice' and then click on the matched transaction and click on unmatch and save.

  3. Link and match - Scenario:

    1. An item was paid for in-store (eg $100 gumboots) and it appears on your invoice.

    2. The bank transaction amount is $100 less than the invoice amount.

    3. You matched the bank transaction and invoice but the invoice remains in the Needs Action screen as a Partially Paid invoice.

    4. On the Needs Action page, you record a Money in invoice for the same amount, mimicking what was in the original invoice including coding.

    5. In the Matching screen select both invoices and the Link and Match button will appear. Click the Link and Match button to move the invoice to the Completed screen.

Matching in the Needs Action Screen

The recommended practice is to use the Matching screen. An alternative is to match from the Needs Action screen. You can match from the Invoice side or the Transaction side.

Transaction side

  1. Select the bank transaction. The most likely invoice will be at the top.

  2. Select the matching invoice and the Match button will highlight when the selected items are ready to match. If the invoice is fully paid the To Pay box will be $0.00

  3. Select Match

  4. Select Save or Save & Next to go to your next Transaction on the list.

Invoice side

  1. Select the invoice. Once fully coded, the option to Match will appear.

  2. Select Match

  3. Select the matching bank transaction and the Match button will highlight when the selected items are ready to match. If the invoice is fully paid the To Pay box will be $0.00

  4. Select Match

  5. Select Save

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