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Create an invoice coding rule

Creating an invoice coding rule is quick and easy and will reduce the amount of time you spend coding invoices.

Updated over 9 months ago

The first thing you should do when you code an invoice is to look at where you can create a coding rule, as this saves time and ensures your coding is correct and consistent in the long term.


How to create a simple coding rule in an invoice

  1. Click on the three vertical dots on the right-hand side of each coding line.

  2. Select New coding rule.

Confirm the criteria

If the Other party, Line description or Reference contains information on the invoice, this will be populated into the rule for you. You can choose to delete any of these or add additional criteria.

In this example, you want to create a simple coding rule so each time the word Gallagher is present in an invoice, it is automatically coded to Repairs and Maintenance: Fences and Yards (RM: FY). You do not care what sort of Gallagher product it is, if the word Gallagher is present then it can be coded as RM: FY. It also does not matter who the supplier is whether it's Farmlands, Ruralco Farm Source etc invoice.

  1. Other Party contains - If you bin these criteria, the coding rule will work across all suppliers (eg: Farmlands, Ruralco, PGG Wrightson's, Farm Source etc).

  2. Line Description contains - here you can identify keywords that will form the base of the coding rule. In this instance the key word in Gallagher. Remove all words except Gallagher.

  3. Reference contains - the reference is likely to be different every time. So bin these criteria also.

  4. + Add Criteria - you can add additional criteria when you create more complex coding rules


When creating a coding rule you get the options to:

  • Code the full amount to

  • Code $ amount to

  • Code a % amount to

As this is a simple invoice coding rule, you will select Code full amount. This means the full amount of the invoice line will be coded to RM: FY.

If you delete the Description field of the coding rule, it will 'Retain the line description'. This means the coded line will automatically retain the description from the invoice and future invoices where the coding rule has been applied. eg: it will retain that it is a Gallagher Insulator 25 pack or Gallagher Strainer End etc, if that is what is stated in the invoice.

Once you have created the coding rule, click Save & apply.

The new coding rule modal will look like this:

The new coding rule will be applied to any other lines in the invoice that match the criteria, and any future invoice lines.


  1. You can override a coding rule by changing the code on that line (eg: you created a coding rule for Gallagher to be RM: FY, but in this instance, the Gallagher product is for your personal garden so you can overtype the RM: FY with Personal: Drawings (PE:D).

  2. You can edit or delete a coding rule. Go to Settings > Codes > Invoice coding rules. Use the search function to find a coding rule. Click on the three vertical dots on the right-hand side and select either Edit or Delete.

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