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Overview of Management tags
Overview of Management tags

Management tags help you analyse a specific area of your business, while also being able to track and report on your whole farm business.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Management tags allow you to operate a separate business under the same GST number. They track your revenue, expenses AND livestock for separate operations with the same GST number so that you can view each as a standalone business. This allows you to review the performance of each operation individually. Without management tags, you see the business as a whole. You cannot separate the different areas of your business.

Cost tags only track costs/expenditures. They are useful for tracking the costs of activities eg: for wool shed extension. Click here to learn more about cost tags.

Automation tools like coding rules and code split rules allow you to apply tags consistently and automatically to your invoices or transactions.

Management tags are a useful tool but to get the most from a Management tag you need to consistently apply the tag to all invoices, transactions or planned items.

To set up Management tags

When you purchase a full or additional database, your subscription includes one free management tag.

  1. Go to Settings > Tags.

  2. Click Set up Management Tag.

  3. Enter a name for your Tag.

  4. Add a short name. This will be visible when you add a tag to a transaction or planned item.

  5. Add a description for more information.

  6. Choose a colour. This will help to easily identify your tag when tagging transactions and planned items.

  7. Click Save.

Management tags in transactions and invoices

Once you have created a tag, you'll be able to allocate it to any coded lines in invoices and bank transactions, using the Tag column. You can allocate a maximum of one tag to each coded line.

Edit a tag allocation

You can allocate a tag retroactively or if you have allocated the incorrect tag to a transaction you can always change it.

Option 1

  1. Go to Actuals > Completed page

  2. Change view to Coded lines

  3. Click into the coded line and add or edit the allocated tag.

TIP: To find the coded line quickly, sort the view by either code order, if you know what code you used, or by tag order, if you know the tag you want to edit.

Option 2

  1. Go to Actuals > Completed page

  2. Change view to Transactions

  3. Click into transaction

  4. Select Go to matched Invoice

  5. This will take you into the coded lines of the invoice where you can allocate or edit a tag if required.

Livestock tags in transactions and invoices

You can allocate a tag to livestock transactions (as above). This will be updated in your Livestock reconciliation.

Likewise, use the tag option when updating any non-financial events.

If needed use the Transfer option to transfer stock between management tags.

Management tags in plans

You can use your management tags when creating a plan.

Option 1

When creating a plan you can filter by management tags (say Farm 1), and build a plan for that management tag (Farm 1). Then filter by the second management tag (say Farm 2) build a plan for the second management tag (Farm 2) then remove the filter and you will have an overarching plan for both farms.

Option 2

You can build up an overarching plan and add tags as you go. You will need to use the +Add function to open a worksheet.

Livestock tags within your Plan

When you are entering planned items into your Livestock worksheet, you have the option to use a tag. Use this function to keep your livestock separate between operations.

Management tags in reports

You can filter and therefore view selected reports by tags. This gives you detailed information on how these individual operations are working within the overarching business and allows you to review the performance of each operation individually. The following reports can be filtered by tags:

  • Analysis by Code (ABC)

  • Cashflow Detail

  • Cashflow Summary

  • Economic Farm Surplus (EFS)

  • Trends

  • Variance

  • YTD Variance

  • Livestock Reconciliation

  • Livestock Summary

  • Livestock Trading

Purchase additional Management tags

You need to be the subscription admin user to purchase a new management tag.

  1. Go to the Tags screen found in Settings > Tags.

  2. Click on + Add new

3. Use the arrows to choose the number of additional management tags you want to add to your subscription.

4. Click Confirm.

Cancel or downgrade Management tags

If you have purchased additional management tags and no longer require them, you can:

  • cancel the subscription or

  • downgrade your management tags to cost tags and reuse your management tag subscription for reporting on something else. (For example, previously you used your management tag to track the income and expenses of your beef business and now you want to use your management tag to track the income and expenses of a second farm you purchased). Your old management tag will be downgraded to a cost tag.

Cancel your subscription / Management tag

  1. Go to the tags screen found in Settings > Tags.

  2. Select the three vertical dots and click on Downgrade.

  3. You will then be prompted to cancel the Management Tag subscription or keep the Management Tag subscription to Create a new Management Tag.

  4. Select the cancel the Management Tag subscription option.

Downgrade to a Cost Tag

  1. Go to the Tags screen found in Settings > Tags.

  2. Select the three vertical dots in Settings and click on Downgrade (see above).

  3. You will then be prompted to cancel the Management Tag subscription or keep the Management Tag subscription to Create a new Management Tag.

  4. Select the Keep the Management Tag subscription to Create a new Management Tag.

Edit tags

You can edit your tag preferences in Settings > Tags by clicking on the three vertical dots

NOTE: You can bulk edit / add/ delete Management tags in the Completed page.

  • Use the tick boxes to select the codes you want to change.

  • To select multiple items:

    • Click the first code, hold the Shift key, then click the last code in the range.

    • Or, utilise the Select all tick box, if needed.

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