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Managing invoices

Efficient tools to manage invoices, for example sort to reorder, merge lines, bulk code lines or bulk delete lines.

Updated over a month ago

Sort to reorder lines

Clicking any of the headers within an invoice will reorder the lines.

You can sort your invoice lines in ascending or descending order by:

  • Code

  • GST type

  • Description

  • Tag

  • Qty

  • Line amount

The column that you are sorting by is denoted with an up or down arrow, depending on the order you've chosen it view it.

Filter invoice

Invoices can be filter for

  • All lines

  • Zero dollar lines

  • Uncoded lines

To filter click the All lines drop down in the top View as line, and make your selection.

Filtering by zero dollar lines is useful to efficiently multi select and bulk delete zero dollar lines if required. Filtering by uncoded lines is useful to surface all lines yet to be coded.

Select lines to bulk code or merge

To multi select lines within an invoice click on the checkbox on the left side of each line.

To select all lines in an invoice click the check box at the top left hand corner.

Bulk code lines

Once multiple lines have been selected you can apply the same code to all selected lines by entering the code once.
​TIP: You can enter the code into any one of the selected invoice lines.

NOTE: Production and livestock invoice lines that require more detailed information are not suitable for bulk coding. These codes will not be available for you to select.

Merge lines

Once multiple lines have been selected you can click the Merge button that appears at the top of the invoice to snap the multiple lines into one line.

Note: The Merge button is only available when multiple lines have been selected.

​NOTE: The top line will become the single merged line and that description will be viewed. You can edit the description if required.

Bulk delete lines in an invoice

  1. Select all the lines you want to delete

  2. Click delete. All the selected lines will be deleted.

  3. Click Save

Note: This is a handy way to delete all the zero-dollar lines. In the Needs Action screen, filter for Zero dollar lines. Click on the box that allows you to select all the lines. This will take you to the selected state. You can then delete all the lines.

Bulk change to GST state

In some instances, you may want to change the GST state for multiple lines. For example, there are times when the coding lines are all GST exclusive and you want them to be GST inclusive to match the header amount. On occasions, this can occur using the Invoice scanner.

  1. Select all the lines you want to change the GST state on.

  2. Click whether you want to add GST or remove GST from the selected lines.

  3. At the bottom of the screen will be a warning to Complete balancing to save. You need to adjust the header amount in the Needs Action screen to allow for this correction.

  4. Click Save.

  5. In the needs action screen adjust the header amount so the invoice balances.

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