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Break-even milk price

Learn how the break even milk price on your dashboard is calculated

Updated over 2 months ago

If you run a milking operation (Dairy cows, goats etc) you will be recording your production as you code and save your transactions throughout the year.

On your Dashboard, you will see your break-even milk price. This indicates how much income you need to generate from your milk production to cover the costs associated with your business and ensure there is enough cash at the bank.

How does the calculation work?

The data used to calculate the break-even milk price is based on the revised Working Plan (your Actuals to date PLUS your planned items going forward). You will need to ensure you have your remaining year's expenses planned to calculate an accurate break-even milk price.

  • The break-even milk price calculation is as follows:


Farm Expenditure + Interest & Rent + Tax, Loan Repayment, Cap Ex + Net Drawings


Livestock and Other Farm Income

= Total cost of business

Divide by

Total annual milk solid production (kgMS)

= Break even milk price ($/kgMS across the year)

NOTE: This calculation does include any bank/fund transfers but does not include any livestock adjustments.

What if my break-even milk price isn't displaying?

  • You need to ensure that you have a KPI reporting group selected for your milk income that is Milk-Dairy, Milk-Goats, or Milk-Sheep. You can check this in your Farm Code list when you click in to edit your codes.

  • You need to make sure you have your total annual milk production input in the Production area of your Settings.

    Not a dairy farmer?

    If you are not a dairy farmer and you are getting this display on your dashboard it will be due to having code categories set to a Dairy KPI Reporting group.

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