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Profile Page

This resource gives an overview of the Profile page. It contains personal information, billing details, and default preferences.

Updated over a week ago

The Profile page can be found on your navigation bar

Personal Details

This page contains:

  • Basic information about yourself including name and profile image.

  • Login information including your email and password. Learn more about changing your password.

  • Contact information including mobile number.


On this page, you can:


This page contains:


This page displays farm businesses that are either:

  • In a workspace.

  • That have requested access to a workspace.


On this page, you can manage your preferences and select where you want to go when you first log in:

  1. The default Farm or Workspace.

  2. The default Farm Landing Page.

There are two ways you can change the farm or workspace you go to when you first login.

Option 1

  1. Go to Profile > Preferences.

  2. Go to Select a farm or workspace.

  3. Select the farm or workspace you want to be your default.

  4. Click on Save.

Option 2

  1. Go to your Farm name at the top left-hand side.

  2. Hover to the right of the farm or workspace you want to be your default.

  3. The word default will appear greyed out.

  4. Click on default and it will turn green. The farm or the workspace with the green default token is your default farm.

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