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Working plan - Livestock tab

The Livestock tab of your Working plan will track all of the Actual and Planned stock events throughout the year.

Updated over a month ago

Your Livestock tab in your Working Plan is all about stock quantities. It will track the movements of livestock throughout the year. There are several ways to view this tab to help you monitor changes in livestock.

All stock classes on farm are displayed on the left hand side of the grid. These stock classes are there because they are set up as the code type 'stock' in the code settings.

TIP: If you have a stock class set up as a code, but it is not showing on your livestock grid take a look at the code set up adn esure the Type is set to Stock.

The small chevrons can be used to drop down all the events that can happen to each stock class.

Viewing Options

Click on the eye icon at the top right-hand of the screen to select the different viewing options.


This is a default setting in your Working plan to show a running total of Stock quantities along the bottom of the Livestock Tab. This option will total your stock numbers throughout the year.

Stock units

You can select the Stock Unit option to view your monthly total stock units throughout the year to help you plan for your feed requirements. Use the drop-down arrow to display your Sheep and Beef Stock units separately. Make sure that you have correctly set up your Stock units for each of your stock categories. Changes can be made under Settings > Codes > Farm codes > Edit your stock codes. Learn more about recommended stock units here.

Show monthly balances

This is a handy viewing option to track your monthly tallies as stock numbers increase or decrease throughout the year. The Monthly balance will show on Line 2 and only in the months that have stock movements.

Stock on hand

This option activates the column in your Livestock Tab that will show your Stock on Hand at the revision date

Remaining budget

This view inserts a column on the right-hand side that tracks your remaining stock numbers for the year to achieve your planned closing stock numbers. This is handy if you trade large quantities of livestock.



Within the Livestock tab of the Working plan, you can expand each stock class to the event level (e.g. purchases or sales), and view your purchase and sale averages. By clicking the drop-down arrow you will display the average Kg/head, Price/kg, and Price/head as well as the total quantity. Click the LW or CW options to view either live weight or carcass weight.

Revision date

The Livestock tab is always displayed based on the event date (unlike the Cashflow tab which can be viewed as Cash or Accrual). The Revision date can be adjusted using the drop-down key in the top left corner with Actuals only as a useful tool to show actual sales and purchases and non-financial events only.

Copy Line 2 in your Livestock tab

When you are creating a new Livestock plan you can use the powerful Compare Data icon to put relevant data in line 2 as a guide to developing the Livestock plan. This allows you to use a prior year's actuals or a plan as a guide to building your plan.

You can choose to copy this information from line 2 into your plan. This allows you to quickly build up your plan. You can choose to copy at the stock category level or stock event level.

Adjust by a percent increase or decrease

You can add a percentage increase or decrease to stock items in your Livestock plan while using the Copy line 2 option. The increase or decrease can be applied to price, quantity, or weight. There is no limit on the percent increase but the percent decrease is limited to 99.9%.


If you select a percentage increase or decrease by weight, and enter a:

  • per kg change the dollar value will change as the price has been impacted.

  • per head change the dollar value will not change as weight has no bearing on the amount received per head.

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