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Current Month Revision in the Working Plan
Current Month Revision in the Working Plan

Learn about your options for up-to-date revision of your current month in the Working Plan

Updated over a week ago

Current Month revision is an important feature to give you the most up-to-date view of your business. This helps to make timely decisions and keep track of your working capital.

Ex-Cashmanager RURAL Customers

In Cashmanager RURAL, there was the ability to enter a future-dated transaction for income and expenses you knew were to happen within your current month. You could then push the revision date in the cashflow forward to suppress the planned items, and have your future dated transactions override this.

This feature in Farm Focus allows for a more accurate level of information to surface in the Working Plan.

Where do I start?

In the Needs Action screen, you will see a list of your invoices. These will need to be coded to be able to populate in the Plan. You can scan most of your expenditure invoices to Farm Focus. For income received, you can manually Record a Money In Invoice and drag and drop any attachment onto this record to attach relevant documents (kill sheet, supplier statement, etc), OR you can use the invoice scanner for your income invoices. Learn more by clicking here.

Once the invoices are coded they will be greyed out. Any invoices highlighted in white let you know they still need to be coded.

TIP: Using the Invoice Scanner function to directly import the majority of your invoices to Farm Focus helps to automate this information for you, and populate your plan right up to the current month.

You can also set up a Repeating Invoice for regular items such as loan payments, personal drawings, or wages so that these items also appear in your Working Plan in the current month view.

Learn more about Repeating a Manual Invoice here.

What does this mean in the Working Plan?

In the Working Plan, you will see the option for Current Month in your Revision date dropdown list. This will surface the current month and show all of your Actuals to date and your received, yet unpaid, invoices. Any planned items for the current month will be suppressed. This is considered an "In progress" month.

Where is the detail of my information?

The worksheet holds all of the information behind the Working Plan grid. Any cell you click into from the grid will display in the worksheet with the selected item highlighted in white with a blue border.

Items tagged with an 'A' are actuals, and those with a 'P' are planned items. In the current month view, you will also see the 'I' which indicates invoice items that are unpaid with a due date in the current month.

You can select the three menu dots to edit any of these lines to make changes if necessary.

What happens to my planned items for the Current month?

Your current month view will suppress any planned items, but you can still see them in the worksheet list flagged with a 'P'. If you still want to keep this item but shift it to another month, you can edit the due date.

If you want this item to be included in the current month view you will need to create a manual invoice in the Needs Action or scan through the corresponding invoice.

Your past planned items will always be viewable in the worksheet view if you wish to refer back to them at any time.

What does this mean in my reports?

In any of the reports with the option to view "Actuals + Plan" you can view the unpaid invoices.

In the Cashflow Detail report in the current month view, you will see anything with the due date in the current month. The Accrual view option for this report will show you all unpaid invoices for all months.

The Livestock Trading report is a good report to be able to see the impact of your unpaid invoices. There are times of the year when some larger sales and purchases are happening and the Current Month view option will allow better monitoring of these.

Why can't I set a baseline?

The option to set a baseline plan is disabled when you are in the Current Month view. This is due to the current month being incomplete. Once you change your revision date back to any other month the baseline option will be activated.

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