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Copy or repeat an invoice

Learn how to copy or create a recurring or repeating invoice

Updated over 5 months ago

Some of your payments may recur frequently such as monthly rental income, or family loan payments etc. Farm Focus allows these invoices to be automatically generated, once the first invoice has been created, by using the repeat invoice function or an invoice can be copied.

Benefits of a repeating invoice

  • Way to check your monthly rental has been paid (Eg: you have a farmhouse and receive rent monthly. Create a repeating invoice. If you are unable to match this invoice to a corresponding monthly transaction you know your rent has not been paid for that period)

  • If you have a hire purchase and claimed all the GST, create a repeating invoice for future repayments to ensure you don't claim the GST twice.

  • If a repeating invoice occurs in the current month, Farm Focus can predict your daily bank balance in your Working Plan and you will be alerted if your bank balance is predicted to exceed your Overdraft limit.

Repeating invoices

In the Needs Action screen, click Create Tax Invoice or Record Money in/out invoice.

Fill in the relevant details for the invoice.

Drop-down the More options list and click on Repeat invoice.

You will be given options of how often you want the invoice to recur. Select a Frequency and choose an end date or continue until further notice. Select Apply.

Once this invoice is set up, it will sit in the Repeating tab, and the next upcoming invoice will appear in the Needs Action screen.

Any additional files will be retained and the default position is all attached files will be sent with the invoice. Using the Include attachments drop down arrow; deselect the files you do not wish to send with the invoice. Click here to learn more.

If you wish to remove the repeating invoice, you can click the bin icon to Delete.

Copy tax invoices

Go into the Actuals screen and select the Tax Invoices tab.

Find the relevant invoice you have previously created and click on the details. You will see a dropdown box with More options where you can choose to Copy invoice.

This will create an exact copy with the same contact, payment information, coded lines and amounts, but the date will be updated to today's date. Change the date to the relevant payment date.

Any additional supporting files attached to the original tax invoice will not be copied but you can re-attach or attach additional documents to the copied invoice. This is done before you Generate and Send the invoice.

Once you are happy with any changes click to Save.

The new invoice will appear in your Needs Action screen, coded and ready to be matched.

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