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Add farms to a workspace

A workspace is an area where rural professionals can coordinate who can work on specific farms. Learn how to add farms to a workspace.

Updated over 5 months ago


This resource is aimed at rural professionals.

A workspace brings together your team and the farms they work on. Workspaces empower rural professionals to better support and serve their Farm Focus customers with secure and trusted user management.

At this stage it is assumed that a Workspace has been created. The adding, editing and removal of farms in a workspace can only be undertaken by the workspace administrator.

To learn more about workspaces click here.

Watch this video or read this resource to learn how to add or remove a farm(s) from a workspace.

Add a farm to a workspace

The Workspace admin requests access to a farm.

  1. Go to the Workspace landing page.

  2. Go to Farms > Workspace farms

  3. Select Request access to a farm.

  4. Enter the email of the subscription admin for the farm(s) you want to access. You can request access to multiple farms at once by entering one or more email addresses. This makes the process quicker and more efficient. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma or a new line.

  5. Click Send.

  6. The Subscription admin receives an email and must complete the process. Find out more.

NOTE: The email address of the subscription admin needs to be the email address in Farm Focus and not another email address they may use on a daily balance. The subscription admin may need to provide their correct email address. They can view their Farm Focus email address under Profile > Personal details.

Once a subscription admin (farm owner) has accepted a request and it has been accepted by the workspace administrator, the responsibility of who can access that farm from a Workspace perspective is handed over to the workspace administrator.

Workspace admin approves the farm to join the workspace

The workspace admin goes to the the workspace landing page > Farms or click into the Farms counter.

The workspace admin can see a request for a farm to join a workspace when the red token appears on the Pending farms tab or on the Farms counter.

Click into the Pending farms tab and select Deny or Approve.

Once approved the farm will move to the Workspace farms tab.

If denied the farm will be removed from Pending farms tab and the farm owner will be notified.

Editing a farm in a workspace

The workspace admin goes to the workspace landing page > Farms > Workspace farms > identifies farm of interest > select the farm and view the details of that farm.

Remove a farm from a workspace

The workspace admin goes to the workspace landing page > Farms > Workspace farms > identifies farm of interest > select Edit and view the details of that farm > select Remove farm from workspace.

Tips when initially setting up a Workspace

You can request access to multiple farms at once by entering one or more emails, use the copy ad paste function. This makes the process quicker and more efficient. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma or a new line.

An additional way for a farm to join a workspace

The Subscription admin (farm owner) can initiate joining a workspace. Find out more.

This is not the preferred approach.

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