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Add members to a workspace

A workspace is an area where rural professionals can coordinate who in their team can work on specific farms. Learn how to add members.

Updated this week

Workspaces enables rural professionals to better serve their Farm Focus customers by seamlessly and easily managing their Farm Focus accounts in a secure, auditable, and trusted way.

Workspaces give rural professionals such as accountancy, bank and farm consultancy businesses direct control over who can access Farm Focus farms within their organisation and to what level. The rural professional creates a workspace. The subscription owner (usually the farm owner) permits their farm to be part of a workspace. (The subscription admin is the person who pays for the Farm Focus subscription and is usually the farm owner.) Access to farms in that workspace is then controlled by the rural professional organisation or more precisely the workspace administrator in the rural professional organisation.

To learn more about workspaces click here.

Adding or removing members to a workspace can only be undertaken by a workspace administrator.

Watch this video or read this resource to learn how to add members to a workspace.

Add a member to a workspace

  1. In the navigation bar select Members or click into the Members counter.

  2. In the Members page > select + Invite member

  3. Enter the email address of the member (work colleague) you want to invite to the workspace.

  4. Enter the role you want this member to have in your workspace. Either administration or standard.

  5. Select Send

A notification will appear in the Pending members tab of the workspace and will remain there until the proposed new member next logs in. The team member will move from the Pending members tab to the Members tab.

Allocate members to farms

Once a member is part of the overarching workspace, the workspace administrator needs to allocate members to farms they can work on within the workspace.

This task can only be performed by a workspace administrator.

Go to Farms page > Workspace farms > select the farm you want to add members to > select Edit > scroll to the Members.

Using the drop-down arrow under Members select the member you want to add to that farm.

Then select the access level. Levels are either Organisation admin, Restricted or Reporting access, Find out more. Then click Add. This member's name will appear under Access via Workspace.

Add bulk members to a farm

The workspace administrator gets the option to Select all or select multiple members to access the farm at one time. These members will have the same level of access.

The best practice is to add all members who require access to the farm and change members' access levels individually using the edit function.

Managing members within a workspace

These tasks can only be performed by the workspace administrator.

Edit or remove member's access to a farm

This task can only be performed by a workspace administrator.

Go to Farms page > Workspace farms > select the farm you want to edit > select Edit > scroll to Access via workspace.

Select the workspace member you want to remove or edit > click on the three vertical dots and select Edit or Remove (see above).

If Remove is selected, the workspace member will be removed from the farm. They will still have access to the workspace but not to that particular farm. They can be added back to that farm at any stage.

If Edit is selected, the workspace member's access level to that particular farm can be changed. The member's access will move from Organisation admin to Restricted or Reporting access.

Changing a member's role from standard to administrator

At any stage a workspace administrator can change a member's role from standard to admin level or vice versa. These roles only impact what they can do in the workspace and do not affect their access levels at a farm level.

Go to the Members page > select members > view the details of that member > select Standard or Admin then Apply.

Removing a member from the workspace

If a member has left your organisation you can remove them from the workspace.

In the Members page > click on the member you want to remove> view the details of that member > select Remove member.

This will remove the member from the workspace and remove their access to all farms in the workspace.

Note: An administrator cannot remove themselves or change their role. There must always be at least one administrator in the workspace.

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